Many of us would think he is a monster, a creature of the underworld, one of the most horribles figures that the Earth has ever seen. But things are not always as they seem to be. His name is Fhy. He doesn’t live in a closet or under the bed to fright and kill children while they are sleeping. He belongs to another reality where dreams can come true and hope hasn´t died yet. He is the guardian of the light.
When people have seen him they always have shouted, running out or even denied his existence. He always feels alone and sad about it. It's what's turning off his heart.
So if one day you walk into your room and find him sitting on your bed, don't run or be afraid, just take his hand, embrace him and tell him you believe in him.
(He will also appreciate if you give him a glass of cold blood, he loves it!)
Make him shine!!!!!
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Muchos de nosotros pensariamos que es un monstruo, una criatura del inframundo, una de las figuras mas horrilbes que la Tierra ha visto. Pero las cosas no son siempre como aparentan ser. Su nombre es Fhy. No vive dentro de un armario o bajo la cama para asustar y matar a los niños mientras duermen. Pertenece a otra realidad donde los sueños pueden hacerse realidad y la esperanza aun no ha muerto. Es el guardián de la luz.
Cuando le han visto siempre han gritado, salido corriendo o incluso negado su existencia. Siempre se siente solo y triste por ello. Es lo que está apagando su corazón.
Asi que si un día entras a tu habitación y lo encuentras sentado a los pies de la cama, no corras o tengas miedo, sólo cógele de la mano, abrazale y dile que crees en él.
( tambien agradecerá si le das un vaso de sangre fría, le encanta ¡!! )
Hazle brillar!!!
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