26 diciembre 2010

Walk Cycles

Walk cycle. easy? simple ? really? are you serious ? I don`t think so. This was first time that I had to face with this character; extremes, contacts, passing position and try to get on well with the curves ( green, red, blue - I love you ).
Here you can see the results.  Here I am, step by step...

And here we have the second one. This time I had to make a 360º turn while this ball with 2 legs ( sometimes at night he comes to visit me ) was walking along the way. I'm not quite satisfied with the final result because this is not what I had in mind at first. But that what it is, and I won't stop trying. Yeehaa !!!!!!!!

If you could give me some feedback would be appreciated. I need it.

See you soon, and thanks for watching !!!

25 diciembre 2010

A place

Existe un lugar, en la mente de todos nosotros, donde nos sentimos protegidos y donde queremos estar.
Existe un lugar en el que nos sentimos especiales y cuando cierro los ojos es ahí donde voy.
Existe un lugar, donde nos encontramos con los personajes y seres que soñábamos cuando éramos pequeños. Me cuentan sus aventuras, sus historias y las leyendas que rodean el lugar. La avispa reina, la calabaza vidente, el payaso con problemas de sordera, el elefante enano y la niña Angie, capaz de matar a monstruos de 8 cabezas con tan sólo una pluma blanca; es más increíble si sabemos que tiene sólo 11 años. Me han visto nacer, crecer y me guían día a día, a cada paso que doy.
Esta noche, que hace frío, me arroparé entre las sábanas para encontrar el camino; porque existe un lugar donde quiero estar.

15 diciembre 2010

Bouncing ball with obstacles

Frames. Keys. Red line. Squash &  Strech ( two great guys, you must meet them ). Extremes. Breakdowns. Spacing and Timing ( thats all about ). Inbetween.  Easing in and easing out. Arcs ( oh, beautiful and lovely arcs !!!  where were you? ). Knocking on Animation's door ?. I've finally got here and we're gonna have a great time together...

Here I introduce you the first bouncing ball with obstacles I've ever made. There are still a lot of things to improve here and I would appreciate if I could get a bit of " feedback " :P